What should you expect at at Rockport Legion Band concert? In a word, community. Rockporters of all ages attend, and visitors are treated like family.
Summer concert series

Audience at summer concert at the bandstand
Most attendees set up lawn chairs around the bandstand. Some park their pickups nearby and set up chairs in the beds. Others sit in their parked cars and honk their horns enthusiastically at the conclusion of each piece. Neighbors catch up and kids tear around. The legionnaires sell popcorn and soft drinks and sometimes hot dogs.

Colorful clouds behind conductor Bob Rick
The setting is glorious. Rockport’s Back Beach, Sandy Bay, and the Atlantic Ocean are across the street. The sun sets over the hills behind the bandstand, casting beautiful colors on the ocean and the clouds above.
Holiday concert

Holiday concert
The December Holiday concert has become a festive Rockport tradition. In years past the concert took place at the Rockport United Methodist Church (sadly now closed). More recently, the concert has been held at the “Old Sloop”, the First Congregational Church of Rockport. The band backs a chorus from the Rockport schools, kids join the band on sleigh bells, and the audience sings carols.
Community concerts
Community concerts

Halloween concert on Tuna Wharf
The band also performs much-appreciated concerts at Cape Ann Nursing homes and at community events.